Sunday, July 10, 2011


We were visiting our friend who is dying. As I stepped into his room I could sense a profound peace. He told us that he feels angels all around him. As we described in our new book A Mother's Final Gift, my mother was comforted and guided by angels throughout her dying experience. Death truly can be so beautiful and it is such a comfort to know that we are never alone, especially in this great transition of death.

1 comment:

  1. The last time I visited my father during his dying process I was absolutely unnerved by one of the expressions on his face; staring blankly outside the window, one eye at half-mast...he looked lost and beaten. To have that image of one of the strongest, most powerful support figures in my life was frightening. I slept with water next to my bedside table and his wedding band on a chain around my neck because I woke up during the nights with nightmares about dehydration....

    What has finally given me relief is reading your fantastic book "A Mother's Final Gift." My father lost his ability to talk after his stroke, but I would like to believe that during his final days he was able to see family and loved ones who had passed on before him..and it was those loving presences that had caught his eye.
